Thinking about Quotes: Albert Einstein on Humility

Quoting Albert Einstein on humility:

"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained to liberation from the self."  - The World As I See It

     The human need for approval and recognition is a strong force.  Mothers have used it to encourage their children to learn to walk and talk.  Businesses have used it to encourage and drive their employees to perform and produce in order to attain their goals.  Recognition and awards are a great motivator.  Recognition actually outperforms prizes.  People will do more to get that walk across the stage than to get a closet full of trophies.  Does the attention seeking of humanity mean they are not humble?

     People need validation and encouragement.  That is normal.  I think that all good things turn a negative turn when kicked out of balance.  For instance if the sole purpose of your activities is to go after recognition, then it is very shallow and may seem hollow and unfullfilling.

     The need for attention can cause us to stay in bad situations too.  If you want everyone to like you to the point you do stupid things to fit in or struggle to stay in a toxic work situation believing it will somehow get better, that does not help you.
     I think a person deserves to be valued and treated well.  We all know the world is not a perfect place and things may change over time.  It is good to know when it is time to seek better surroundings.


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